Plan miasta Han Bulog

Han Bulog - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Fire Malu Fernandez, Boycott Manila Standard Today | b.../b

INFACT MALU IS NOT PROF. WRITER, BAGAY ANG WRITE UP NYA SA THEME NOTEBOOK LANG. HEY OINK-OINK?. GROW-UP! IS THAT THE WAY YOUR EARNING MONEY TO FEED YOUR FAMILY? ANYWAY? ANG BABOY IS ALWAYS BE A BABOY? SINGIT MO MAS MABAHU PA SA bBULOG/b UGALI MO. b...../b Even if they have the bvacation/b to go in the Philippines to visit their loved ones, they sometimes prefered not to take that bvacation/b to earn more money to send in the Philippines. OFW's work very hard. They make everything and ...
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Fire Malu Fernandez, Boycott Manila Standard Today | b.../b

I just saw her on friendster and yup, the infamous Ron is there, too sans picture (so I guess he wasn?t imaginary bec. who would want to go on a bvacation/b with her?) Her picture gives me the creeps. I mean , I for one, am not perfect, b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch

ANTIKORUPSI: Metodology of investigation

sedang diusut keterlibatannya dalam skandal dana extra-budgetair Bulog sebesar Rp 90 milyar, juga punya kaitan dengan sejumlah perusahaan, yang pada gilirannya juga tumpang tindih sahamnya dengan konglomerat terbesar di Indonesia, ...
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